Patreon Tiers

Pandora's Box | $60
You're caught in the pandemonium now, Darling, and I think I'll keep you. This tier is for all of Dawn's closest stalkers eager to nurture their shrine. This is a PR-level book box tier and includes:   Includes everything in...
Meadow Full of Asphodels | $50
A secret she will never tell. Ashes, ashes, it all burns down.. Includes everything in The Asylum tier A signed and personalized (optional) hardback AND paperback of each of Dawn's releases. with engraved edges exclusive to Patreon with covers designed...
The Devil's Playground | $35
You've been caught by the Devil himself and not even Chaos can save you now. Enjoy all of the special treatment the Playground has to offer including: All digital benefits from The Asylum and Freakshow tier A signed special paperback...
Club Hel | $20
Watch out for the Devil as you navigate this tier. Signed paperbacks & swag may be a big enough distraction to get you caught and taken to the Playground.. Includes everything in The Asylum Signed paperback mailed for every one...
The Asylum | $7
This will provide all of your basics after patient admission. Welcome to the Asylum, Darling. Beware of visual hallucinations. What's included Sticker of the month club Access to titles, covers, art, and any news before the general public Digital art...